211 / 845  características


Triodos para 1200V em placa


















845 Push-Pull

Schematic by Susumu Sakuma.

Amplifier & Power Supply


211 links

Dave Cigna''s Pages (DuncanAmps mirror)

211: html

N7JP Tube Database

211: HTML page

Frank Philipse home page

211: 049/2/211.pdf

Triode Electronics

211: gif1, gif2, gif3, gif4, gif5


211: pdf


845 links

N7JP Tube Database

VT43: HTML page

National Valve Museum

845: html

Penta Laboratories

845: Acrobat PDF

Frank Philipse home page

845: 049/8/845.pdf, 120/t/T110-1.pdf, Acrobat PDF

Triode Electronics

845: gif1, gif2


845: pdf


845: html page

Source: Duncan Amplification
According to a copy of RCA, Toshiba tube manual and articles appeared in audio
hobbist magazine in '70s, their general rating data of 211 and 845 are;
                              211        845
Filament voltage(V)            10        10
Filament current(A)          3.25      3.25
Maximum DC Plate voltage(V)  1250      1250
Maximum Plate Dissipation(W)   75        75
*Amplification Factor          12       5.3
* Amplification factor of 211 is about double of 845. This implies
  there would be some differences in operation data.
Here are typical operation data.
211 AF power amplifier & Modulator Class A1
DC plate voltage(V)       750    1000   1250
DC Grid voltage(V)        -46     -61    -80
DC Plate current(mA)       34      53     60
Load resistance(K ohm)    8.8     7.6    9.2
Power output(W)           5.6      12   19.7
845 Class A1 power amplifier
DC plate voltage(V)       750    1000   1250
DC Grid voltage(V)        -98    -155   -209
DC Plate current(mA)       95      65     52
Load resistance(K ohm)    3.4     9.0     16
Power output(W)            15      21     24
>From these data, you may know 9K ohm load could be applied to both 211 and 845,
but you have to adjust plate voltage from 1250 to 1000 as well as DC grid
voltage from -80 to -155 when you replace the tube from 211 to 845. In addition
to bias adjust, You should remember 845 requires double grid swing than 211
By the way, there's strange figures (5.6W @750V, 12W@1000V) in 211 power output
data. Do you think 5.6W output is good operating point? Is there something
wrong? The answer would be that 211 allows class A2 operation. There was an
article that described 211 class A2 amp could produce 35W output at 900V plate
and -44V grid voltage with 10K load. In this case, the grid swing was 200V peak
to peak; +50 to -150V. Though there's no class A2 operation data in tube manual,
the 211 data sheet shows linear plate characteristics in positive grid area.
This means class A2 operation would be probably allowed.
Of course, A2 class operation requires low impedance driver stage to absorb grid
leak current. So the circuit must be different from that of A1 class amp.
Now, here's conclusion. Both 211 and 845 may work at about 8-10K ohm load 1000V
plate voltage with adjusting bias voltage to be appropriated if the driver stage
has enough swing and power.
This report is just my private desk work for 211/845 single tube amp
investigation, I have no experienced with 211 and 845 amp circuit design. I hope
someone in netter who has experienced 221 or 845 tube, offers his valuable bench
work report.
From Duncan amplification.