Nesta página incluímos um trecho de “Modern Radio Service” de
Alfred A. Ghirardi sobre os amplificadores de acoplamento direto.
Edição Radio & Technical Publishing Co. 1935.
Do mesmo autor temos no seu livro Radio Physics Course edição de 1933
a versão original em Push Pull de Loftin-White.
Commercial units for this purpose are described in Arts. 547 and 548 in the chapter on Sound Amplifier Systems. By proper design, it is possible to build a two-stage amplifier having a voltage gain of 450 or more. The frequency response may be made flat from 30 to about 7,000 cycles. At higher frequencies, it begins to droop due to the plate-cathode capacity of the input tube and the grid-cathode capacity of the output tube acting across the coupling resistor, but the response can be made uniform to about 10,000 cycles by employing special forms of neutralization. The output stage may be made of the push-pull type for greater signal-handling capacity as we shall see later when discussing power amplifiers.