Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
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FED 7 Prototype 

In 1969 the ФЭД, Харьковский машиностроительный завод (FED Harkov’s Machinery Construction Factory) produced  4 “Fed 7” cameras bodies. Those cameras were an evolution of the current “FED 3 / FED 4” types with various advanced and requested features from buyers.  With a wider body, it received an easier operative lever film advance a fixed film counter with self zeroing revolving central arrow, a rear door film loading, a repositioned PC flash connector and a bottom crank film rewind. The shutter is the same found in  the “FED 3 / FED 4” types and rangefinder comes from “FED 3” . A squeamish modern body completes the instrument. This is the serial 4 of the four produced, here is seen with 2/50 Jupiter-8. The light meter is the same found on current “FED 4” cameras of the era.

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