Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia
de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
Fórum Yahoo [maquinas russas]
Aciel the Reversed Leica - Adams - AGI Aerial Camera - AKA View Master - Albar 15 - Almaz - Alsaflex - Alsaphot Cyclope - Amano 66 - Antenna Sweden ID-System Camera - Argus Italy - Argus USA - Astro X - Autolikon 645
Balda Pierette - Ballerio Italy Kobell 6x9cm - Bentzin Rekord-Primar 6x9cm - Biflex 35 - Stereo Biotar - 360º Brazilian Camera
Camoject - Carl Zeiss Jena Dr. Pulfrich - Cesare Speich - Chrislin Insta - Chaika Survelliance - Chiyoda SK-100 - Clarus - Combat - Connon Panoramic Camera - Contaflex - Contax from Stalin Staff -Christian Bruns, München, Patent 730 Magazinkamera Câmera - Compass Camera Lecoultre - Corfield 66
Daguerreotype Outfit - Dawe Nelrod - DeJur Internalionale - Detrola 400 - Doryu - Duoflex Reflex
Efox - Elega - Enofilm - Ermanox - England Lukos III - Ensign Butcher´s Reflex Carbine - Ensign Multex Model I - Exakta Prism - Exotic Cameras
Farm 3 - Fed - Fed 20 - Fed-6 - Fed-7 Prototype - Fed Paya - Fed Sport - Fed Wartime - Ferro GF 84 - Finetta 88 - FK camera - FKP-2-2 - Fotal Blue Color - French era Gun Camera - Foto Mult - FotoSniper 2 - FotoSniper GOI - Flexaret 1 - Fuji Hasselblad
Gamma I+ 3.5/50 - Gamma Hungarian Duflex - Gelvetta - Geopol - Gestapo Matchbox - (Five) German Leica Inspirated Cameras - Gerstendörfer WICA + 2,8/50 Flor - Gerstendörfer Wica + 2.9/50 Angenieux - Giroux 2 - Giroux wet plate camera - Graf Camera - Graflex - Graflex XL - Gowlandflex - GXN
Hansacanon - Hasselblad 500 - Hasselblad Ektar lenses - Hasselblad Superwide modified - Hedman - 1920´s Hill´s Cloud Camera with Hill Sky lens made by Beck London - Historic Japanese SLR - Historic Japanese SLR 2 - Hong Qi - Hungarian Cameras
Ica-Polyscop 1925 - Invernizzi Minisub Italian Camera - Junior Photo Kit
Kalart Press Camera - Kardon - KGB ring - Kiev 5 - Kiev 11 - Kiev 15 Leonid - Kiev 90 - Kiev Space - Kiev Stereo - Kilfitt 2 1/4 X 2 1/4 SLR System - Kilfitt 6x6 proto -Kinamo ICA - Kinobox - 45 Kinga - Kodak Prototype "Micro Focus Six20" - Kodak Ektagraphic - Kodak Periscope - Kodak Prototype Subminiature Camera - Kodak Retina - Kodak Retinaflex - Kodak US Army Aircraft - Kohinoor - Komet - Komsomoletz - Konica Domirex - Kontophot - Kosmos - Krickeldorff - Kwanon Prototype
Le Daguerréotype - Le Minuscule G. P. - Leica 125 - Leica IIID - Leica A prototype - Leica Gewehr - Leica Lehman - Leicaflex 18x24 - Leica M5 Proto - LEICA Oberflächen Messgerät - Leicaflex with Removable Finders System - Leica Vitalux - Leica Zeiss War time - Lehman Pelar Ludwig - Leningrad Reflex - Levy Roth - Levy Roth Berlin - LinhoF Prototypes - Linhof Munchen - Lomo Spy Photo Camera - Look - Lorenz Berlin Nacht-Kamera - Lorenza - Lubitel Oscilloscope - Lubitel 166 Olympiad
Malik - Mamiya Pistol Camera - Maurer 6x6 - Maurer 70mm - Maska - Mayak - Mecanoptic - Mentor Mentorett - Metzmecaflex - Meyer Kinar - Michel Pigeon Camera - Midori Kind Câmera - Miniature Wet-Plate Camera - Minsk Foto Museum - Mirax System - Mitca - Monóculo policonico - Multiplicator Kamera
NEOCYT Soviet era Spy Camera - Neucaflex - New Krupnoformat - New Rangefinder Câmeras - Noble 3 - Noble 3-35 - Noble 3-35 3-in-1 - Noblex P3 - Novacon Rangefinders
Old Delft Lenses - Olympus Gastro Camera V - Opema - Optimar Optibox - Optiko Techna - Original-Praxinoscope
PAL Lens - Pankopta - Panon - Panorax 35-ZL - Paul Lachaise - Peckham Wrai SLR Press Camera - Pentacon Six TL - Phoenix Miranda - Plasmat GmbH Roland model 1 - The Porter Garden Telescope - Printex Press Camera - Progrex - Prototypes - Publica - Publica & Benca
Realist Macro Stereo - Recta - Reflex Ross - Regula Reflex - Reporter - Rittreck - Rolleiflex - Russian Aerial Camera Prototype - Russian Leica - Russian Scan Camera - Rothschloss
Salex - Schoenander - Sept Debrie Auto/Cinephoto Act - Simmon Bros. Inc. Omega 120 - Selena - Shen Long - Sirio Firenze - Smena Panoramic Prototype - Smena Stereo - Snejinka - Speedo-O-Matic / Dover - Stereo Ukaphot - Stirn´s Camera America - Soviet Space Cameras - Space Leningrad - Sportkorelle - Start or Chenguang? - Stasi - Stereo Hasselblad - Strobel - Summa Report - Super Ikonta prototype - Sutton's Patent Panoramic Water Lens - Svouk
The oldest camera in the world - Teknar (American Recomar) - TSVVS - TSVVS 2?
Ucaflex - UKA Kilfit model 659 - Uniflex - Unknonw Stereo German 35mm camera - Unknown Soviet Leicas - Univex Mercury - UR Leica - URSS Robot
van Rees - Vermeer Camera - Vidax - Voigtlander - Voigtlander Prominent - Voigtlander protos - Voigtlander prototypes
Wefo Master Reflex - Welti I Dental Camera - Wenka - Werra - Dr. Weth Telestigmar - Witness - Wrayflex - WWI Spy Camera - Yashica & Olympus Prototypes
Zeh Zeca-Flex - Zeiss Hexar - Zeiss Ikon - Zeiss Ikon Contax Spezial - Zeiss Ikon Prototype Super Ikonta - Zeiss SLR Proto - Super Ikonta for 127 film - Zenit BM - Zenit TTL - Zin Jin Shan - Zola Russian Spy Camera - Zorki 35M
Zorki Mosky 1 - Zorki Olympiad - Zorki S Special - Zorki Sensation Project - Zunow - 35mm Italian Jewels - 35mm Rangefinder Camera Prototype - 1000 F - 140° Revolving Optic Panoramic
Argentinian Cameras - 35mm of the first era 1 - 35mm of the first era - FED Model Identification - Kiev Model Identification - Great Collection of Russian Cameras - David Silver Historic Cameras - - - - - The Scott Billota's page - Sovietic Cameras Description of Models
More interesting cameras at: