Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia
de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
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Carl Zeiss Jena Dr. Pulfrich
13 x 18cm Stereometer camera
In 1901 Dr. Pulfrich developed the Stereocomparator for the accurate exploitation of stereo pairs in terrestrial photogrammetry. This camera was used for scientific purposes where accurate measurements were needed.
precision stereo camera with white painted metal body and black enamelled
fittings, two Tessar 6.3/7cm lenses no.88859 & 88865, mounted on turntable
engraved in degrees above three levelling screws. Two rods at the top of the
camera operate stencils which number each image in the negative. The bellows
extension in millimetres is also imprinted in the negative. Together with
one double plate holder, all in original mahogany carrying case. Lacking
ground-glass focusing screen.
(Camera no. 4801, c.1907)