Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia
de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
Fórum Yahoo [maquinas russas]
Kiev 11
A unique camera produced in a very small batch for testing purposes. It is an all mechanical apparatus. This particular modes was heavily used because it served as behavior study. Forerunner of the all automatic exposure set Kiev 10, made to test the automatic iris couplings of the Helios 65, and the singular rotary focal plane shutter first used in Kiev reflex cameras.
The two front dials correspond to the diaphragm settings at left and shutter speed at right
Speeds ½ to 1/1000 and B settings.
See Kiev first prototype fan focal plane at: e GOI rotary shutter.
The scheme of a fan shutter: 1 — light blades 1st groups; 2 — light blades 2nd groups; П1 and П2 — drives blades according to 1st and 2nd groups.
The photographic shutter, of Kiev reflex uses a fan type system of blades which is operated by two groups of three light blades. Its axis of rotation is perpendicular to the focal plane and parallel to the lens axis; this is also called slot-aperture shutter. In the starting position the blades of the 1st group are spread (in the form of a fan) and completely close the camera frame, while the blades of 2nd group are in a recessed position. By pressing of the trigger button the shutter blades of the 1st groups begins to move, opening the camera frame shrinking over themselves . After them, through the established time interval (endurance) set by the camera control, the blades of the 2nd group, begin spreading themselves, closing the camera frame. This could be seen on cameras "Kiev-10" and "Kiev-15", which provide time lags from 1/2 to 1/1000 s and B.
Prototype Helios 65 2/50 nº 0001