Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
 Fórum Yahoo [maquinas russas]


Mirax  System 



3-Mirax A and Mirax B comparison 


Extended Case on Mirax B –Compensation of the lens register in Nikon/Contax camera bodies

Bayonet adapter for M42 lenses and rear Leica thread spacer mount


Shutter clip


Reflex Housing Box model A







4- Mirroscope

Variation made for Interstate PHOTO SUPPLY CORP



Mirroscope with Aetna Actinar German lens






Mirroscope case







Mirroscope second model

Model with Case Pentaprism Double cable release adapter for telephoto Nikon/Contax lenses

And Exakta lens adapter on body







Mirroscope Variation

Mirabox name













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