Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
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Part I   Still Cameras

Mikronette,  Mikroma I & II

Automatic photographic camera for 50 pictures of size 11x14 mm in single ended perforated film 16 mm. Mikroma are the1957 Meopta continuation of Optikotehna Mikronette from 1946.

Lens: special three-lens anastigmat Mirar 3.5/20.
Focusing: central, by turning the focusing ring with click-stop.
Shutter: 1/5-1/400 s.
Dimensions: 75x43x40 mm, weight 230 g.
Year of production: from 1946- from 1957 up to 1965

Polizei model


Mikronette with bulk film loader

Automatic photographic camera for 240 pictures of size 11x14 mm in single-ended perforated film 16 mm in built-in magazines with spring driven film.

Lens: Mirar 3.5/20.
Focusing: central.
Shutter: 1/5-1/400 s.
Year of production: 1952


Stereomikroma and Mikroma family

Photographic camera designed for taking of stereoscopic pictures of size 10.5x11.5 mm. Semiautomatic camera with two lenses for 12-14 stereoscopic picture couples in 16 mm one-ended perforated film of length 70 cm, eventually 16-18 couples of pictures in 90 cm long film of the same sort. This was the first attempt to built a popular camera compatible to View-Master type reels slides.

Lenses: special anastigmats Mirar 3.5/25.
Shutter: special design, 1/5, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50, 1/100 and "B".
Counter: automatic.
Release: push-button.
Year of production: 1960-72

A set of Mikromas, and below, reusable cartridges with a respooling tool


Stereo 35

Photographic camera for taking the stereoscopic picture couples in 35 mm film. Up to 80 stereoscopic couples of pictures can be taken when using a film strip long 1.60 m. Again a popular camera compatible to View-Master type reels slides, now using standard 35mm film.


Lenses: Mirar 3.5/25.
Viewfinder: optical, direct-vision finder.
Counter: automatic.
Year of production: 1970.

Opema I & II

Leica type photographic camera for picture size 24x32 mm on 35mm film.

Screw threaded 38.5 mm Interchangeable lenses. Opema lenses can be used on Leica (loose), but Leica lenses do not fit Opema.

Lens: Belar 3.5/45.
Shutter: focal plane shutter 1/25-1/500+B
Year of production: 1953-59.

Model I No rangefinder/ Model II Rangefinder coupled


Largor 3.5/30mm  and Tele-Mirar 4.5/135mm


Simple photographic camera for picture size 24x36 mm. This camera uses original dies from Voigtlander Prominent I, recently discontinued.

Lens: Belar 3/45. Unchangeable
Focusing: front cell, no rangefinder. Scale: 1 m - infinity.
Shutter: Metax - central.
Picture counter: automatic.
Year of production: 1959.


Photographic camera for three-colour separation photography for polygraphic purposes, size of negativ is 24 x 24 mm in three orthocromatic 35 mm films simultaneously used.

Lens: Spektar 3/70.
Shutter: Compur 1-1/250 s.
Focusing: according to telescopic sharpness rangefinder reading.
Year of production: 1950.


Axoma 96

Fully automatic auto focus 30 mm lens-shutter camera for picture size 24x36 mm.

Lens: 35 mm F3.5/F4.5 3 groups 3 elements.
Year of production: 1996.



Agfa disposable camera



Box type 35mm one way  camera with  plastic three element lens,  single speed shutter camera for picture size 24x36 mm models with or without built-in electronic flash.

Lens: 30 mm F8 fixed focusing 3 groups 3 elements.
Year of production: 2003.

Flexaret & Optineta

Set view of four Flexaret and one Optineta. The four Flexaret are: From the left; Model II with Metax; Model VI with Metax; Model IVa with Prontor SVS; Model IIa with improved Metax shutter; In the front row the Optineta with Metax shutter
Years of production: from 1953- 1967


Milona II

Folding photographic camera with paralel struds for the pictures of sizes 6x6, or 6x4.5 cm on 120 roll film.

Lens: Mirar 3.5/80.
Focusing: metric scale.
Film feed: by a knob.
Shutters: Prontor S, 1-1/300 . Compur, 1-1/300 . Metax, 1-1/400 .
Year of production: 1945-50.



Technical, metal camera for picture size 13x18 cm.

Lens: Belar 4.5/210.
Shutter: central, pneumatic Compound with exposures 1-1/100 and time shutters.
Focusing: focusing screen, displaceable and versatily tippingable frame of focusing screen.
Tilting base for pretentious photographic works. Three levels for accurate setting.
Year of production: 1949/1953.

Meopta Magnola Meopta Magnola


Amateur photographic camera for taking three wide-angle panoramic pictures in a  120 roll film. Image size 60 X 240mm.

Lens: Belar 4.5/105.

Speeds: 1/20 and 1/100
Year of production: 1965.

Meopta Microscope camera

Primary photographic camera for picture size 6 x 9 cm.

All the set is contained in a wooden case. The camera has no lens but sports a Metax shutter to 1/400 and B, it isa included 6 units of 6x9 plate holders but for obtaining 6x6 pictures. There is a field lens for focal plane focusing, a Reflex housing for aerial image in-time focusing, also permitting 35mm camera coupling, a Clear Camera for image demonstration, a cable release, and three eye pieces 2X, 3X and 5X for image enlargement.          

  production year 1965-1985.


Microscope camera 35mm version with special  Opema body



Part II Still Cameras

From: Druopta, Dufa, Eta, Kola


Viewfinder amateur photographic camera of a miniature construction for pictures in 35 mm film.   Made by Kolár

Lens: Meyer 3.5/50.
Focusing: metric scale.
Shutter: Compur 1-1/300 s.
Year of production: 1932.







Simple photographic camera for picture size 24x36 mm.

Lens: telescopic, Etar III 3.5/50.
Focusing: front, 1 m - infinity.
Shutter: Etaxa.
Picture counter: automatic.
Year of production: 1947-48.

By Cooperative ETA















Simple photographic camera for picture size 6 X 6cm pseudo TLR Fokar shutter. This is a simplified continuation of Foka camera.

Lens: Doublet f11.
Focusing: fixed.
Shutter:  Fokar  25, 50, 75 and B
Picture counter: red window.
Year of production: 1960-68.

Cooperative Rix







Simple photographic camera for picture size 6 X 6cm pseudo TLR Fokar shutter.

Lens: Special f9/75mm.
Focusing: fixed Doublet.
Shutter:  Fokar II  25, 50, 75, 100 and B
Picture counter: automatic. Exactly like 1935 Voigtlander Brillant.
Year of production: 1950-58.

Cooperative Foca, Rix forerunner



Druoflex I

Simple photographic camera for picture size 6 X 6cm pseudo TLR Type. Direct descendant of Russian Komsomolets itself descendant of Voigtlander Brillant

Lens: Triplet f6.3/75mm.
Focusing: front cell.
Shutter: Chrontax and later Etaxa 25 to 200 and B
counter: Red window.
Year of production: 1950-58.

Cooperative Druopta



Simple photographic eye level camera for picture size 6 X 6. Continuation of Pionir and previous Fit made by Dufa.


Lens: Symmetrical Periscope f11 60mm.
Focusing: by helicoid.
Shutter:  Rotary  25, 50, 100 and B
Picture counter: red window.
Year of production: 1978-90.

Cooperative Druopta

Model II with buit-in flash for  mini size lamps



Simple photographic eye level camera for picture size 6 X 6. Continuation of pre-war Fit made by Fit-Kamera-Zàvod -  6 X 9 Kaftasnsky type camera.


Lens: Symmetrical Periscope f11 60mm.
Focusing: by helicoid.
Shutter:  Rotary  25, 50, 100 and B
Picture counter: red window.
Year of production: 1978-90.

Cooperative Dufa


Fit of 1938  a simpler version

Wider body 6 X 9 type

Camera - závody, Prague

(Dufa forerunner)

Fit, Pionir and Corina types,  share the same shutters  and lenses. But Corina are M synchronized.

Pionir cameras were manufactured in China  from 1961  with the name of Yuejin  (Great Leap)


Excella & Super Excella

Same philosophy of Fit and  Pionir now for 127 film  4 X 6.5 or 4 X 4 sizes, following Fritz Kaftanski scheme

Year of production: 1938-1950.

Made by Fit (winged V logo)

Super Excella also called Ama.




Simple photographic camera for picture size 24x36 mm.

Lens: telescopic, Etar III 3.5/50 or Druoptar 4.5/50.
Focusing: front, 1 m - infinity.
Shutter: Etaxa, Chontax or Metax.
Picture counter: automatic.
Year of production: 1949-51.

Same Etaretta concept



Vega câmeras: Above model I with  Drupotar f3.5/50mm and Etaxa 1/25 – 1/250  shutter. Down, model III with marroon covering and Etar f3.5/50mm and Metax 1- 1/400 synchonized shutter




Part III : Movie cameras

Admira Ledvinka

Amateur movie camera for 9.5 mm film.

Lens: Cassar 2.8/25 ff.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: mechanical.
Picture frequencies: 8, 16, 24, 64 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: optical.
Year of production: 1934.


OP 8

Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/12.5, reversing carrier of lenses.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: mechanical.
Pictures frequency: 16 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: optical.
Year of production: 1939.


Sonet 8

Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/12.5.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: mechanical.
Frequency: 16 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: optical.
Year of production: 1956.


Meopta Somet (Sonet) 8 1956 camera (spring driven motor, wound by pulling cord) 2x8mm

A full cord pull in the arrow direction, gives exactly 10 sec run, which is exactly one scene duration,



Admira 8 Iia

Movie camera for shooting thc image on 2x8 mm film strip.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/12.5.
Aperture: 2.8-16.
Teleobjective: Tele-Mirar 3.5/35.
Frequency: continuous from 12 to 48 pictures per second.
Drive: spring-type.
Viewfinder: optical, tilting.
Year of production: 1954.


Admira 8 F

Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/12.5.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: mechanical with acoustic control.
Frequency: 18 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: optical with parallax equalization.
Years of production: 1960-64.


Admira 16

Movie camera for 16 mm film.

Lens: Schneider f 25 and f 50 on the revolving head.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: contact.
Frequency: 8,16, 24, 48 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: optical with parallax equalizing.
Year of production: 1937.


Admira 8 D

Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/12.5.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: mechanical.
Frequencies: 10, 16, 24, 48, 64 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: direct-vision viewfinder, tilting.
Year of production: 1946-47.



Admira 8B (1939) 8mm camera  (pre-war model)

In the ’50 years this camera was also manufactured in Russia by LOMO. It was the first amateur made Russian movie camera


Admira 16 Al (el.)

Movie camera for 16 mm film.

Lens: Openar 1.8/20 and Meopta SSO 1.8/10 on revolving head.
Drive: electric.
Counter: contact.
Fequencies: 8, 16, 24, 32 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: Newton.
Years of production: 1963-68.




Adastra I

Reversal motion picture camera for amateurs, for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/12.5.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: contact.
Frequency: 16 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: Newton.
Exposure meter: automatic CdS.
Years of production: 1966, production prototype


Adastra II

Reversal amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Revolving head with lenses: Anagon 1.9/6.5, Dalnar 1.3/32, Openar 1.8/12.5.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: contact.
Frequencies: 16 and 24 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: Newton.
Exposure meter: automatic CdS.
Year of production: 1966, production prototype


Adastra III

Reversal movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: variable focus lens Meopta, production prototype.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: contact.
Frequencies: 16 and 24 pictures per second.
Automatic aperture setting by aid of exposure meter.
Year of production: 1966, production prototype


A el 8

Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: variable focus lens Variodyaliscope 1.8/8.5-34.
Drive: electrical.
Counter: contact.
Frequencies: 18 and 24 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: optical, direct-vision.
Exposure meter: aperture setting is automatic by TTL method.
Year of production: 1960.


A 8 G1

Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm films.

Lens: MIRAR 2.8/12.5.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: contact.
Frequency: 16 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: optical.
Exposure meter: semi-automatic aperture setting.
Year of production: 1966-68.


A 8 G0

Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/12.5.
Drive: spring.
Counter: contact.
Frequency: 16 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: Newton.
Weight: 1.20 kg.
Year of production: 1968-73.


A 8 G1 Supra

Movie camera for film 2x8 mm Super.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/13.
Drive: spring.
Counter: contact.
Frequency: 18 pictures per second.
Semi-automatic aperture setting by aid of exposure meter.

Years of production: 1968-71.


A 8 G2

Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/12.5.
Drive: spring-type.
Counter: contact-type.
Frequency: 16 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: Newton.
Exposure meter: automatic CdS.
Weight: 1.32 kg.
Year of production: 1966.


A 8 G2 Supra


Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/13.
Drive: by spring.
Counter: contact-type.
Frequency: 18 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: Newton.
Automatic aperture setting by aid of exposure meter.
Year of production: 1968-71.


A 8 L1 Supra

Amateur movie camera for 2x8 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 2.8/12.5.
Drive: electric.
Counter: contact.
Frequency: 18 pictures per second.
Viewfinder: Newton.

Semi-automatic aperture setting by aid of exposure meter
Year of production: 1971.


Petr Wojoczek collection

Flexaret Astro,Kompanion (kamarad Bradac- Prag



My Absolutely New! Astro Flexarets



the back of my Astro Flexarets




My Extraordinary Companion




My Lovely Opemas Flexarets and a bunch of German cameras In the bottom various Mikromas -My toys



My Favourite Special Love –Opemas



Salute to all of You! Petr Wojoczek

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