Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia
de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
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Dr Hensoldt Wezlar
The Publica is an interesting low priced German camera from the immediate years after the War II. Is a back removal cartrige to cartrige loading type –hence no rewind- 24x36mm focal plane shuttered 1/25-1/500+B, coupled rangefinder and Leica type screw mount lensed camera. Less than 100 units were made when Leitz objected. Mr Hensoldt took efforts with ISO Italy to put in the market now an Italian built Leica type camera -The Reporter – Although Leica inspired, had several differences, and made in another country, could not infringe Leica Patents which were only valid in Germany. Otherwise this ISO camera used rangefinder and lenses from Hensoldt production.
Above camera and the following five pictures show nº 114 with “Trixar” 3.5/50 lens. In the next two lower pictures two views of the nº 102 camera with “Proto” 1.9/50 further used in “Reporter” camera named as “Arion”;
Nº 102 camera with “Proto” 1.9/50 further used in “Reporter” camera named as “Arion”.
The Publica were a relative unknown German coupled rangefinder 24x36 camera, lenses were unnumbered and they were very rare. No known information once these cameras were pre-production units intended for Hensoldt demonstration purposes.
Year: c.1947
Hensoldt Wetzlar Henso Reporter
This also rare Leica copie whith changeable optics were built by ISO, Italy for Hensoldt, according specifications and received a highly luminous Arion 1,9/5cm Nr.00185
The ISO Reporter received a new body and a new mount with mixed ideas from Leica and Contax with wheel focusing. It was added a slow speed gear coaxially controlled in the button release. Speeds 1 to 1/1000 and B . Besides the normal advance button the camera was delivered with an in built Leicavit type quick film advance.