Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia
de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
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van Rees Frères, Brussels
Hand made Belgian 35 mm movie camera for 24 x 30 mm format. Only 7 cameras were ever made in two known models
The 1945 type and the 1947
type. All Sport the Winged insignia. Very little is known about the Van Rees
Brothers, their company or their cameras.
This is the earlier model of the extremely rare Belgian 35mm hand-cranked movie camera, the box-shaped wooden body with metal enforced edges is covered with red fabric, circa 1945.
This is the extremely rare second model of Belgian 35mm movie camera with an extraordinary streamlined design, the camera's body is made of polished and fire-engine red painted cast aluminium, circa.1947