Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia
de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
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Ikon Super Ikonta for 127 film
Zeiss Ikon Test Camera with Prototype Compur- Rapid, c. 1935 - For 4,5 x 6 cm, Zeiss Ikon, strut folding camera, coupled rangefinder (CRF). The extraordinary special is the Compur-Rapid with the fastest speed of 1/600 sec and the 3/4 sec slowest speed. Compur-Rapid had been produced regularly up to 1/500 sec and with lowest speed of 1 sec. Tests have been done up to a fastest speed of 1/750 sec. The fitting lens for the small shutter diameter was a "Goerz Dagor 1:6,8/71mm", nº 387.124. It is said that the camera comes from those prototypes which were walked off with the Americans