Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia
de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
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(Ilford LTD)+Dallmeyer 1,9/2 “Super-Six” lens
Very rare
Leica copy from England with Dallmeyer Super-Six 1.9/50mm original lens,
camera has Leica mount and can be used with all M39X1 Leica lenses.
Single window large rangefinder base. The mounting screw has four cuts as
well as Dallmeyer original lens. So interchangeability acts as a bayonet
mount. A lock button is seen at front left below slow speed dial. Another
peculiarity is the body openings by complete die cast back removal, with
bottom locks, à la Contax No.5286.
- Pehaps the basis of FED 2 mass procuced model ?
Witness lenses
Dallmeyer Dallac 2/85mm Sonnar formula
Xtralux 4.5/135mm Hektor